Minggu, 01 Mei 2011

Rose - Witch's Lab


QuestRose - Witch's Lab
Required level65
Daily QuestsNo
This experiment will be successful.

Vivian's older sister and one of the professors in the magic library. Unlike her sister, who always looks serious and sad, she teaches others about the witches' history, and takes care of the young witches. She is very bright and passionate about magic research. Most of the magic that witches use are the result of her research. However, regardless of her life-long experience, her recent experiments have all been failures.
Witch's Lab Quest
Location: Magic Library of Night Shadow east of Berne

1 . the busy profesor

I see that the advert I placed with Messe has proven quite worthwhile. I hadn't expected that my new assistant would come from so far away, however.
Hm? You're not my assistant?
Well, little matter.
Perhaps you haven't come to work under my employ, but you have the look of someone in search of a job.
So? Have I the right of it?
Let's not dawdle, then.
I do hope I'm not too forward, but I have some tasks for you.
As a matter of fact...
I was in the middle of the most fascinating experiment, when quite unexpectedly, my spiral measuring cylinder and levitation beaker flew right off the table and into the wall.
Of course, I have just the spell to mend it, but I find myself short on the necessary materials.
Might you be so kind as to fetch me some [Shining Glass]?
Mission: Shining Glass x20
Well done.
I suppose you find it peculiar that such a trifling misstep should require so much glass to repair.
Hmph! You should take care not to get the wrong impression.
Take the amount of glass I had you gather as a measure of the importance and danger of my experimentation.
Even when I fail... fail like...
Oh, never mind.
Anyway! Thank you. Hm.
  • Experience: 7,000
  • Gold: 10,000
2 .burnt books
To be perfectly frank with you...
My errors may seem perfectly disastrous from the outside, but to me, they're naught but minor setbacks.
Oh, don't look at me like that.
I've nothing to hide.
You seem eager to get on with things.
I suppose I've prattled on long enough.
This should be a simple enough task.
During today's earlier mishap, I seem to have burnt some of the library's books just a touch.
Fortunately, no rare or valuable books were damaged.
Please fetch me 5 [Books: Mana Drain [I]].
They're elementary texts we use to train young witches.
  • Experience: 7,000
  • Gold: 10,000

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